(SOLD) and Clematis Kutani Houhin 日本茶壺套裝帶 2 個茶杯
(SOLD) and Clematis Kutani Houhin 日本茶壺套裝帶 2 個茶杯
$5,900.00 TWD
$5,900.00 TWD
Shirochibu and Clematis Kutani Houhin Japanese Teapot Set with 2 Teacups
Shirochibu and Clematis Kutani Houhin 日本茶壺套裝帶 2 個茶杯
尺寸:Houhin 帶蓋 11.5 厘米(4.5 英寸)x 9.5 厘米(3.7 英寸)x 7.0 厘米(2.8 英寸)
Yuzamashi 10cm(3.9in) x 7.5cm(2.9in) x 4.7cm(1.9in)
罩杯 D7.4cm(2.9in) x H5.2cm(2.0in)
容量: [Houhin]130ml(4.4oz) [Yuzamashi]90ml(3.0oz) [Cup]110ml(3.7oz)
材質:瓷器 - 九谷燒
品牌: 太石窯 -
這款由九谷燒製成的精美彩繪茶壺套裝採用細緻的手繪白市風格,這是九谷燒的標誌性繪畫風格之一。 “Shiro”是白色的意思,“chibu”是點的意思。
所有商品均採用 Shirochibu 設計裝飾,帶有鐵線蓮花的印象派繪畫和金色的蔓藤花紋圖案。鐵線蓮花代表誠信和深情,蔓藤花紋是代表繁榮和長壽的吉祥圖案。
此套裝包括一個“houhin”茶壺、一個“yuzamashi”水冷水壺和 2 個茶杯。
“houhin”是一種沒有把手的茶壺,用於沖泡需要在較低溫度下浸泡的優質日本茶葉。該設計通過用約 60°C(140°F)的熱水緩慢浸泡葉子,有助於濃縮優質茶葉(如“玉露”)的風味。濾茶器是一種“sasame”,過濾器是用相同的瓷器材料在壺內的壺嘴開口處製成的。一隻手用兩根手指握住後蹄,另一隻手托住底部。
This delicately painted teapot set made from Kutani ware comes in a detailed hand- painted Shiroichibu style, one of the symbolic painting styles of Kutani ware. "Shiro" means white and "chibu" means dots.
Evenly-sized small dots are painted onto the white background to create a special texture. A great deal of skill is required to make the dots the same size, evenly spaced, and the same color.
All items are decorated with the Shirochibu design with impressionistic drawings of clematis flowers and arabesque patterns in gold. Clematis flowers stand for integrity and deep compassion, and the arabesque pattern is an auspicious pattern representing prosperity and longevity.
This set includes a "houhin" teapot, a "yuzamashi" water cooling pitcher and 2 teacups.
A "houhin" is a teapot without a handle and is designed to brew premium quality Japanese tea leaves that need to be infused at lower temperatures. The design helps to concentrate the flavor of high-quality tea leaves such as "Gyokuro" by infusing the leaves slowly with hot water at about 60°C(140°F). The tea strainer is a "sasame" where the filter is made at the opening of the spout inside the pot with the same porcelain material. The houhin is held by two fingers with the other hand supporting the bottom.
The triangular cup is called a "yuzamashi" which is actually a small pitcher used to cool down boiled hot water to the appropriate temperature suited to make aromatic and rich tea.
The two cups are slightly smaller in size with a fairly large diameter. One can enjoy the rich aroma and flavors of the tea with this design.
This set is perfect for special occasions when enjoying Japanese tea with your family and guests, and will also make a wonderful gift.
This tea set, made using the traditional techniques of Kutani ware, is a design that will never go out of style and can be used for a long time.